Acts 2:21 But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

People have been deceived into thinking that there’s a lot of time left regarding accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. They know it’s an important thing to do, but for whatever reason, they keep putting it off.

If you look at the signs of the times, there’s not a lot of time left. Jesus is returning soon. I know we’ve heard that for hundreds of years, which leads to the deception of a lot of time, but it’s true. For the unsaved, there’s no guarantee you will live to see tomorrow, so why play with your eternity?

Even if Jesus doesn’t return for another hundred years, accepting Jesus as Lord will improve the quality of our lives and the lives of our children.

Don’t wait. Take this time to make Jesus Christ Lord and Savior. Secure your ticket to be with the Father forever. Don’t squander this moment claiming you need to do more research on the subject. The devil will make sure you stay “too busy” to do research. Don’t wait.

*Please also send this message to everyone, you know, who has not made Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.