You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 8, 2016.

Matthew 27:14 But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge–to the great amazement of the governor.

Jesus was separated from God, beat, whipped, mocked, stabbed, insulted, spat on, exhausted, and hung on a cross by nails. If anyone had a right to grumble and complain, Jesus did. Jesus didn’t do anything to deserve this treatment. Jesus was innocent, blameless, and without sin. He would have been justified in saying, this isn’t fair, why Me, or it’s not My fault and yet, He didn’t say a word. He received this treatment because of us.

We’re not going through half of what Jesus went through, but some of us have the gall to complain. We’ll complain about traffic, grumble about our bosses, or complain about not having this or that. That’s not the will of God.

If Jesus is our example and He didn’t grumble or complain after being tortured and beat for something He didn’t do, we shouldn’t gripe or complain about anything we face. Not only should we not complain because Jesus didn’t, but Jesus was tortured so we won’t have a reason to complain through the victory we have through Him. It’s about perspective.
Let’s glorify Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us by living a life free from complaints.

Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining and arguing,

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Scriptures of the Day

January 2016